Apart from average salaries, our GehaltsSpiegel also contain several tables and illustrations that show the influence of factors like age, company size and leadership responsibility on those average salaries. GehaltsSpiegel are currently only available in german language.
What is a GehaltsSpiegel good for?
- As a compensation benchmark for small or medium sized companies (up to 1.000 employees, industry-independent)
- To check your internal compensation structure at lowcost, fast and effective
- As an overview of common compensation elements in the market
- To check over 40 typical functions
- Information for the following compensation parameters
- Company sizes
- Hierarchical levels
- Educational levels
- Average salaries
- Amount of employees with fringe benefits like company car for private use, company pension schemes, bonuses or paid overtime.
Here you can find an example (.pdf) (german).
GehaltsSpiegel cost 54,00 € per issue (subscription based) or 69,00 € as one-time order. Order to shipping time is usually about half a business day.
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